Blah Blah Blah

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm wearing my pedometer everywhere again. I think the 10,000 step thing is good for me, and it has to be good for Dexter too. I'm finding that he has to get all his exercise in the morning. When I took him out for a walk last night it was like I was dragging him to his death. He's good for the first block and then he wants to lay down...he hates being over-heated. So - it's mornings for him from now until fall.

The fitness challenge has me pumped (lol) and I added about half an hour of free weights yesterday before my BodyFlow class. Have I become obsessed with exercise again? I don't know - I'm looking at it as self-improvement and all for the good. Most days I feel like the weight will never come off and I will never be fit - at the same time I feel myself getting stronger every day. Nick brought over a picture of Reg and I from his birthday party last August. I was 30 pounds heavier and I look like an 80 year old woman! I have to face reality. I DO look old. Good for me that I feel like 20 on the inside.

Tibetan Rites. Read about it on the raw food forum and did some research last night. Looks like something I need to be doing each morning. I tried it last night before fully reading the instructions and I tried to do each posture 21 times from the get go. That is SO like me! Dive in full tilt before looking for rocks. I'm about to do it again this morning - but this time I'll take it slow and build up.

It's looking like rain today which is probably a good thing. I fell asleep in the sun in the backyard yesterday and got one side of my face toasted. I love the sun. I love the way it makes me feel. It's really hard to be depressed when the sun is out.


Blogger Flo @ Yielded Heart said...

Lynne, you have an awesome story. Congratulations on the weight loss and keep up the great work!

7:13 AM  

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