Blah Blah Blah

Monday, May 29, 2006


What a weekend. It was like August for heat. 27C Saturday and 33C Sunday - add the humidity and we were baked! Sometimes I wish I didn't work weekends, but I think the fact that I do makes me appreciate Monday more. It'll be hot again today, but it was so nice to go into the yard this morning and know that I could just sit there and not have to rush off somewhere. I was really feeling the stress on the weekend and as a consequence I made some bad food choices. I haven't been eating enough the last couple of weeks. My weight hasn't shifted at all - I'm doing more exercise and body finally had enough and told me to eat or else! I don't think it was telling me to overdose on watermelon and cacao/walnut fudge though. The raw food forum fitness challenge is for a 90 day period. I'm going to use those 90 days to step up my lifting program using Bill Phillips' Body for Life Plan. I know I'm not lifting heavy enough, and I've been telling myself that BodyPump is good enough. It really isn't. It's nice aerobic exercise but it doesn't cause any real muscle growth. So this morning I got out and did a 20 minute walk/jog/powerwalk/jog/walk trip - couldn't believe how far I can actually jog. Phillips says it's not how long you go - it's how hard you push yourself. I was PUSHING baby!! I'm determined to get this last poundage off. The first 100 pounds were relatively easy - I'm going to have to really work to make the rest come off.


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