Blah Blah Blah

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rough Start to the Week

Last week my throat was scratchy and icky - everything was hard to swallow and I was crankier than my usual cranky self.

I woke up Saturday morning feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest - and he refused to budge.

I haven't had a chest cold for a long time but I've sure got one now. My cough would wake the dead and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it. I've used all my home-made remedies and even a few commercial ones (which I hate to do), but I think colds have their own time frame and there really isn't anything you can do to speed up the process.

I ran 6 miles yesterday and felt like crap all day and well into the evening, but I feel surprisingly better this morning, so I'll probably do a few miles on the treadmill later - once I know I'm in for the day and can soak in a hot tub afterward.

Kelownagirl is responsible for me not laying down and giving in. She started a 30 day exercise challenge at the beginning of the month - do at least 30 minutes of something every day - and I've come this far into the month that I'll have to be dead before I give up. I suppose there's something to be said for being stubborn.

In the meantime, I'm drinking ginger and lemon tea, whining a lot, and trying to convince Dexter that we don't need to go outside for walks on the icy sidewalk. I wonder if anyone has had any success teaching a dog to walk on a treadmill? I know Cesar Milano (dog whisperer) has, but I mean REAL people.

One month until Christmas - I think I'll put the tree up today - nothing like Christmas lights to bring on a good mood.


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