Blah Blah Blah

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The kittens are venturing further and further into the yard each day. When we first got them they wouldn't leave the patio, but now they're all over the lot - especially the woodpile! Whoever coined the phrase 'curiousity killed the cat' knew what they were talking about because these little kits are into everything! We hesitate to leave them outside alone just yet, but I think the day is coming when they'll be out most of the time.

Running is going well, and I seem to have a handle on what works well for food now too. I had a major binge last weekend, but I think I can attribute that to too much exercise, not enough food, and definitely not enough water. I will be more vigilant on the water thing because once I start a binge I seem to be almost powerless to stop. The odd thing is that I didn't gain a boatload of weight so I must have needed the extra calories.

The rebounder continues to be fun and I'm using it a bit every day. It's supposed to do good things for the lymphatic system - not sure how one would know if that's true or not.

We still haven't been to the lake this year. We're heading for the middle of July and we don't have the place open yet. I wanted to go today, but we have to spend time trying to get more staff hired. We've had a bad run lately with hirees who don't stick more than a day or two. Summer used to be easy for getting students but doesn't seem so this year.


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