Blah Blah Blah

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Yesterday was a struggle. I wanted to eat all day long. I'm not sure what that means. Am I lacking something? Not enough protein? I got through the day without a binge, but food was on my mind all day long. I can tell my head is in a different place this morning because I don't have that anxious feeling. Monday is a fairly light exercise day for me since I've started the Body for Life thing - all I do is weights, and I'm thinking I need to add a long (but not strenuous) walk to my day to keep the 'happy endorphins' flowing. It seems to me that when I don't get enough exercise the 'bingies' try to move in. I started off today with my 20 minute jog and I'm about beside myself with joy because I did the whole 20 minutes jogging!!! My heart rate was between 140 and 150 so that tells me that I'm not really pushing myself by Bill Phillips' standards. I don't jog again until Thursday, so I'll up the speed and see where that gets me. Nothing like a science experiment...


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