Blah Blah Blah

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Winter blahs

The weather is getting me down. I get outside as often as I can, and I know things in my head will improve immensely once the sun starts shining regularly again. We haven't really had any massive snow since that one big dump back in December, but it's bone-chilling cold and windy most days and I'm just letting it get to me. I started knitting again last week, just to keep my hands busy and my mind occupied. I read, but reading at night is not an option - it just puts me to sleep. I love the bus-driving job, it's a joy to go to work each day, and now I have a brand new Uplander to drive so life is really good in that department. I'm glad they took the Crown Victoria off the road - I never ever felt that it was safe to drive. Hopefully February will flash by and we can get into some warmer weather again. At least the says are getting longer.