I shouldn't have skipped chemistry class
Anybody who knows me will tell you that I have the least analytical, logical, scientific brain anywhere. It just isn't in me. I live in a world of abstracts and airy fairy ideas. Because of this, I have never been a cook.
First off - I'm a vegan. My partner and everybody else I know is carnivore. It doesn't make life difficult for me, but it seems to for them. They think I'm weird, a freak, contrary, argumentative - you get the picture. The truth is, from the time I was 3 years old I have never been able to stomach anything that came from the body of an animal. Not for ethical reasons, but because I just don't like the taste or texture.
Secondly, I've never really grasped the concept of why you can't substitute baking powder for baking soda if you run out of one or the other.
Enough of that.
Recently I decided to really clean up my act and start following a food plan that would be healthy, provide enough calories for me to fuel my running, and not leave me starving by evening. Out of the blue I found "The Thrive Diet" by Brendan Brazier, who is a Canadian Professional Ironman.
There are over 100 recipes in his book, and all of them require that I be familiar with at least a blender and a food processor. I am. Most of the recipes are raw or only very slightly cooked, which I like because it means less effort on my part.
The best thing is - the food is delicious and I have not had ONE night binge in the 3 weeks I've been listenting to Brandon. My weight has started to drop again, I don't have that heavy bloated feeling that I get from eating bread or crackers, and I'm starting to sleep better.